
Future Is Yours


Swiss Premiere
Chris Lavis, Maciek Szczerbowski / Canada / 2019 / 7 min / Animation
No dialogue


There are only a few places !

A deserted sports hall. Balls that begin bouncing without anyone around to control them, a strange choir, a teacher straight out of a Burton movie… Beloved kids of VR, Félix & Paul have created a magical work based on a technology that has revolutionized stop-motion.

Gymnasia invites viewers to penetrate the silence of an abandoned school and to enter a space where visions of a lost childhood await. The immersive experience is reminiscent of the sensory world of childhood through the sounds of playgrounds, school classes and choir recitals. The fruit of a collaboration between Felix & Paul Studios, the National Film Board of Canada and Clyde Henry Productions, this six-minute-long cinematic experience in virtual reality perfectly combines 360-degree 3D video with stop-motion, miniatures and computer-generated imagery (CGI). 

Chris Lavis, Maciek Szczerbowski
Phi Centre
Patrick Watson
Felix & Paul Studios (Stephane Rituit)
National Film Board of Canada (Dana Dansereau)
Executive Production
Felix & Paul Studios (Stephane Rituit)
International sales
Centre Phi (Julie Tremblay)