2018, the GIFF resumes its PLUGS programme and its connections with multiple partners in Switzerland and abroad. The GIFF will be offering the best of digital creation all year-long, starting this week in Zurich. Afterwards, the PLUGS programme will be heading to Cannes, Locarno, Copenhagen and Montreal among others.
First stop this week at the Ludicious Zurich Game Festival where the GIFF will present four VR works from January 18th to 21st. Festival-goers will be able to (re)discover VR works presented in Geneva last November during the GIFF’s 23rd edition:
Dear Angelica, Saschka Unseld, USA, 2017
An young woman writes to her mother, a deceased actress. The letter comes to life around her. Unveiled at Sundance 2017,A young woman writes to her mother, a deceased actress. The letter comes to life around her. Unveiled at Sundance 2017, Dear Angelica remains VR’s greatest esthetic contribution to this day and truly marks a ‘crucial step’, as The Verge put it, in immersive art.
Alteration, Jérôme Blanquet, FR, 2017
Alexandro is the guinea pig for an experiment led by artificial intelligence which insinuates itself deeper and deeper into his subconscious. Inspired by Philip K. Dick, the producers of Okio-Studio return with one of the most well-crafted VR narratives of the moment.
Hors-cadre, l’Île des Morts, Martin Charrière, CH, 2017
Painted between 1880 and 1886 by Arnold Böcklin, The Isle of the Dead is nprobably one of most internationally renowned Swiss paintings. Led by the irreverent Yann Marguet, this VR immersion in an artwork looks more like an acid trip than a museum tour.
Night Night, G. Shelmerdine, T. Greyhavens, USA, 2017
Ludicious Zurich Game Festival
Zeughausstrasse 60 8004 Zurich
www.ludicious.chThursday 18th January 12:00 – 19:00
Friday 19th January 10:00 – 19:00
Saturday 20th January 10:00 – 19:00
Sunday 21st January 10:00 – 17:00