Pop TV
Jacob Berger
2024, 64'
VO. French
Claude Torracinta
In presence of Jacob Berger, Friday November 1.
A look back in pictures, directed by Jacob Berger, at Claude Torracinta's career and his impact on French-speaking Swiss television. An elegant tribute to a recently departed icon of Swiss journalism.
This film will be followed by a discussion with Gilles Marchand (General Director of SSR), Guillaume Chenevière (former Head of Programming and General Director at TSR), and Jacob Berger (director):
At a time when public service broadcasters are facing enormous challenges, particularly on the political level, this event offers a discussion on the role of a national broadcaster like TSR/RTS, reflecting on the place that Temps Présent and other major programs created by Claude Torracinta in the 1960s and 1970s have played in shaping a 'Swiss identity.' How can we envision the public service media of tomorrow, drawing inspiration from Claude Torracinta's vision?
This film will be followed by a discussion with Gilles Marchand (General Director of SSR), Guillaume Chenevière (former Head of Programming and General Director at TSR), and Jacob Berger (director):
At a time when public service broadcasters are facing enormous challenges, particularly on the political level, this event offers a discussion on the role of a national broadcaster like TSR/RTS, reflecting on the place that Temps Présent and other major programs created by Claude Torracinta in the 1960s and 1970s have played in shaping a 'Swiss identity.' How can we envision the public service media of tomorrow, drawing inspiration from Claude Torracinta's vision?

If there's one Swiss personality who left a lasting impression in the 1970s and 1980s, it's Claude Torracinta, the emblematic journalist whom Swiss people remember “[...] as if he'd been a member of the family”. With the help of precious archive footage and eyewitness accounts, Jacob Berger evokes the singular professional career of a man in tune with the times, whose work includes the TV program Temps présent. With subjects previously unseen on the small screen, it enabled Torracinta and his teams to tell and show the story of French-speaking Switzerland as never before. Always closely linked to the development of TSR, the ambition of this giant enabled our country to achieve what it hardly dared to aspire to at the time: a major television network.
Damien Brodard
Damien Brodard
Jacob Berger
Jacob Berger, Catherine Kala
Alexandre Gross
Catherine Kala
Olivier Larue
Bettina Hofmann, Steven Artels, Frédéric Pfyffer
Claude Torracinta
Friday 1 Nov. 2024 |