[Posthuman Wombs], GIFF 2021
© Hairygaze
Future Is Sensible Competition

[Posthuman Wombs]

Swiss Premiere
Anna Fries, Malu Peeters
Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany
Gender-boggling essay
2021, 20'
VO. English
Brandy Butler, Anna Fries, Olivia Hyunsin Kim
In a future where the body and soul are free to adopt any chosen form, is the act of bearing a child condemned to remain the sole prerogative of the female? This virtual reality essay takes a compassionate look at some new possibilities…

Fluidity. The keyword for our future societies, freed from the constraints of the past. In this post-human future, in which the body and soul are free to adopt any chosen form, is the act of bearing a child condemned to remain the sole prerogative of the female?  [Posthuman Wombs], a virtual reality essay that lies somewhere between documentary and plastic art, takes a compassionate look at some new possibilities: male pregnancy, multiple pregnancy and – even more surprising – a discovery that defines in our minds the contours of a fascinating new world.
Laurent Kempf

Anna Fries, Malu Peeters
Anna Fries
Key collaborators
Key collaborators
Ambrus Ivanyos (VR Developer, Creative Technologist )
Anna Fries
Lisa Kaschubat, Manuel Tozzi
Malu Peeters
Malu Peeters
Anna Fries, Malu Peeters
Brandy Butler, Anna Fries, Olivia Hyunsin Kim, Ncube as Bibi, Fercha Pombo, Kübra Uzun, Wheely mum, Malu Peeters, Anna Fries
Supported by
Netherlands Film Fund, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater BS/BL, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Kaserne Basel
World sales
Anna Fries, Malu Peeters

Who's who, Anna Fries, GIFF 2021
Anna Fries
1986, Switzerland
Prior works
2021, The Host
Who's who, Malu Peeters, GIFF 2021
Malu Peeters
1984, Netherlands
Prior works
2021, The Host


This work is part of the program Virtual Territories II, composed of several works.

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