All Unsaved Progress Will Be Lost, GIFF 2021
International Immersive Works Competition

All Unsaved Progress Will Be Lost

Swiss Premiere
Mélanie Courtinat
Unsettling testimony
2022, 10'
No Dialogue
ST. English
Wandering with deer under the concrete gray sky of a freeway, All Unsaved Progress Will Be Lost features a narrated testimony that hints at an incommunicable threat whose mysterious source echoes current world events…

Under skies of concrete gray, a silent freeway... deer bask in a flower-filled green meadow. And yet, the oral and textual testimony that accompanies us as we wander with them hints at a veiled, incommunicable threat – a lead weight that could fall on them at any moment. And when we learn of its source, the echoes with recent world events become all the more chilling...
Laurent Kempf

Mélanie Courtinat
Mélanie Courtinat
World sales
Diversion Cinema

Who's who, Mélanie Courtinat, GIFF 2021
Mélanie Courtinat
1993, France
Prior works
2021, Visual Contagions
2021, Safe
2021, L’Acqua Fresca
2020, Ten Lands
2019, Digital Fresco
2017, I Never Promised You a Garden
2017, Together


This work is part of the program Virtual Territories III, composed of several works.

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