Another Round

Geneva Award

Another Round

Druk (Drunk)
Swiss Premiere
Thomas Vinterberg / Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands / 2020 / 115 min / Drama
Danish, Swedish / Subtitles French
In the presence of:
   - Mads Mikkelsen the 13 November 2020 - 20:00

What if maintaining a constant level of alcohol in your blood helped you to cope better with the torments of everyday life? Four professors decide to put this theory to the test. Thomas Vinterberg reunites with Mads Mikkelsen for the most breathtaking film of the year.

After eight years, Thomas Vinterberg is back with Mads Mikkelsen for our greatest pleasure. Rigorously putting into practice the theory of a Norwegian psychologist according to which human beings have an alcohol deficit in the blood from birth, four friends decide to seek a better life. Alcohol, yes, like Hemingway: only at work, not after 8 p.m. and never at the weekend! Is it really reasonable to be wise? Featuring a catchy soundtrack by Scarlet Pleasure.

Thomas Vinterberg
Thomas Vinterberg, Tobias Lindholm
Sturla Brandth Grøvlen
Janus Billeskov Jansen, Anne Østerud
Henric Andersson, Robert Leib, Hans Møller, Jan Schermer
Mikkel Maltha
Zentropa (Sisse Graum Jørgensen), Zentropa (Kasper Dissing)
Film i Väst, Zentropa Sweden, Topkapi Films
Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Magnus Millang, Lars Ranthe
International sales
Trust Nordisk (Susan Wendt)
Pathé Films AG (Vera Gilardoni)