Unframed: Paul Klee Handpuppets

Unframed: Paul Klee Handpuppets

Martin Charrière / Switzerland / 6 min / Animation
French, German, English, Italian


There are only a few places !

This VR series recounts the career of several Swiss painters. The fourth episode in the series is dedicated to Paul Klee. Born in Switzerland, Klee spent most of his life in Germany. Considered as a degenerate artist on the eve of WWII, he seeks shelter in Switzerland. With the help of the marionettes which Klee created for his son Felix, Unframed tells the story of this artist whose outlook on his times, and more specifically on the rise of Nazism, was unique.

This project is presented as part of the XR Coproduction Cruise of the Geneva Digital Market.

Antoine Débois, Martine Béguin
Antoine Débois

Martin Charrière /
2018    Unframed - Intimacies
2017    The Veggies