Talk: Collective Experiences in Virtual Reality – What Added Value?

Talk: Collective Experiences in Virtual Reality - What Added Value?

Talk: Les expériences collectives en réalité virtuelle - Quelle valeur ajoutée ?


There are only a few places !

Individual experiences in virtual reality leave an increasing amount of room for collective and participatory projects, experienced through avatars and in shared experiences. Artists thus turn towards the creation of immersive works where the “others” are integrated and involved in the projects. Through the example of works featured in the 25th Geneva International Film Festival, this roundtable discussion addresses the various levels of interactivity and participatory construction as well as the added value of this sensory interaction.

5.30pm - 6.45pm

Roundtable in French and English, translation available


Douglas Edric Stanley (Professor in Media Design at HEAD – Geneva, CH)


François Klein, Digital Rise
François Klein is a movie producer specialized in new technologies. He has worked 10 years in video, animation and S-3D production. In 2018, he starts Digital Rise, a creative company dedicated to immersive fiction in virtual reality and new storytelling forms. His work lead VR pieces to major international festivals.
Sylvain Chagué, Artanim
Sylvain Chagué is the founder and Director of Technology at Artanim, a multidisciplinary motion capture lab in Switzerland and founder and CTO of Dreamscape Immersive Inc., a VR entertainment company developing location-based VR experiences, with offices in Geneva and Los Angeles. He is one of the instigators and creators of the award-winning VR platform “Real Virtuality”.
Gilles Jobin, Cie Gilles Jobin
Gilles Jobin is an internationally renowned Swiss choreographer based in Geneva. Since founding his company in 1997 his choreographic creations have been performed all over the world. In 2015, he received the Swiss Grand Award for Dance for his contribution to the development of contemporary dance beyond the borders of the country. He presents VR_I, a contemporary choreographic piece in immersive virtual reality, made possible thanks to Artanim and first ever work of the kind. During its retrospective Stereoscopia: a history of 3D, the Festival will also screen WOMB as a World Premiere, a 3D film directed by Gilles Jobin himself.