Mr. Buddha


Mr. Buddha

Swiss Premiere
Lee Chung / Taiwan / 2019 / 19 min / Thriller
Mandarin chinese / Subtitles English


There are only a few places !

What if a stolen object, a statue of Buddha in this case, could tell what had happened to it? This is the starting point of this immersive thriller, shot with a subjective camera, where everyone steals everyone else. A Reservoir Dogs-Tarantino-like VR work produced by Hou Hsiao-hsien.

Inspired by the crime films of US moviemaker Quentin Tarantino, Mr. Buddha tells the story of three thieves who successfully steel an antique and are forced to share this treasure with their boss and a newcomer. Sitting in a car, viewers find themselves in the heart of the action, where the stolen object should be (a small statue of Buddha) and witness a series of events that will eventually lead to a confrontation between all the protagonists. An HTC Vive Originals production, part of the 5x1 series, which counts Hou Hsiao Hsien (The Assassin, GIFF 2015) as executive producer for the project.

Lee Chung
Lee Chung
Key collaborators
HTC VIVE, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee
Lee Chung
HTC Corporation
Production design
Jo Yun Wu
Serendipity Films (Estela Valdivieso Chen), Kurt Kao
Executive Production
Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Liao Ching Sung
Shih Ming-Shuai, Michael Chang, Liao Chin-Liang, Yang Ming, Chen Chia-Kuei, Wu Ting-Chien
International sales
HTC Corporation (Lee Tzu Mao), HTC Corporation (Alma Chu)