Be Arielle F. VR

Future Is Yours

Be Arielle F. VR

World Premiere
Simon Senn / Switzerland / 2019 / 6 min / Experimental, Documentary
English / Subtitles French


There are only a few places !

Swiss artist Simon Senn bought a digital replica of a female body on a website for $12. He brings it to life in VR and modifies it. He then travels to England to find the young woman whose body was digitalized. A performance beyond belief and a major reflection on the ethics of the digital industry. 

Explore Simon Senn's work, with two workshops offered at the Bibliothèque de la Cité

Workshop 1
Workshop 2

How far can we go with virtual reality? Can we really appropriate a body? A Geneva-based artist and a graduate of HEAD – Genève and Goldsmiths, University of London, Simon Senn buys the digitalized body of a young woman, Arielle, on the Internet for $12. In his eponymous theater play, he carries out a virtual reality experience that enables him to enter the young woman’s body through a virtual reality headset. Between confusion and questions on the notion of identity and the unlimited potential of our current new technologies, Senn offers a reflection on our modern world and the increased digitalization of our lives.

Reception in collaboration with the Grütli - Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts vivants. A working version came 2nd at the PREMIO prize for encouragement for the performing arts in May 19 at the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne. 

Simon Senn
Key collaborators
Arielle F. (Collaboration artistique)
Compagnie Simon Senn
Cie Simon Senn
Le Grütli - Centre de diffusion et de production des arts vivants, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Théâtre du Loup
Supported by
Fondation suisse pour la culture Pro Helvetia, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Pour-cent culturel Migros
International sales
Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne

In partnership with